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Introduction to Mark

Mark presents Jesus as the Messiah (the Christ) and the Son of God.

Image by Tim Wildsmith, provided by Unsplash via Wix.

Tom Faletti

March 28, 2024


This study material can be very enriching for personal study and growth. It was originally developed with small-group Bible Study in mind.  Therefore, it will occasionally offer instructions that may be useful for small-group study. See for materials on how to lead a small-group Bible Study.


Before you begin a small-group Bible Study, you should take some time to build community, beginning with ensuring that everyone knows everyone else’s name.

Here are some questions you could ask everyone in the group to answer:



What is your name?


What is your connection to this church/parish/group?


Why is the Bible important to you?  Why are you interested in studying it?


If the study extends beyond a break, such as a break for the summer, and then reconvenes, you could renew the introductions with questions such as these:


Introductions after a summer break:


What is your name, and why did you return to this group?  (Or if you are new, why did you decide to join us?)


What is one insight about faith or life that you gained this summer or were reminded of?


This article will provide an introduction to the Gospel of Mark, including what we think we know about its author, when it was written, who the intended audience was, Mark's purposes/goals, etc.

For example:

  • A

  • B

  • C

(to be continued)

Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and See for more materials like this.

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