Look for the Perspective that Allows You to See Joy
Your attitude determines what is a “win.”
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Tom Faletti
February 21, 2024
A mother called in to the Internet radio station K-Love at 9:55 a.m. EST on January 25, 2023.
The DJs were asking listeners to fill in the blank in this sentence: “I am wealthy because . . . (not necessarily wealthy monetarily, but wealthy in some way).”
In response, the mother told a story about making dinner.
She made a casserole with chicken, broccoli, and rice. When she went to serve it to her 12-year-old son, he said, “I don’t want any broccoli.” So she gave it to him without the broccoli.
He went to a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a sauce packet from Chick-fil-A. He poured the sauce on his dinner and ate it. When he was done eating, he said, “That was the best dinner I’ve ever had!”
As she told this story on the air, this mother summed it up this way: “Mom for the win! Any time you can make a dinner and your middle-schooler loves it, it’s a win.”
Your attitude determines what is a “win”
As I listened, I thought about all the ways this mother could have had a different attitude.
She could have objected to her son not eating the broccoli.
She could have grumbled about his adding the Chick-fil-A sauce to her casserole.
Instead, she accepted the situation for what it was and found joy in her son’s joy.
Your perspective influences your attitude
If she had approached the situation from the perspective that her son’s daily intake of vegetables was deficient, she wouldn’t have been able to call it a “win.”
If her perspective had been that she makes good meals and doesn’t need “improvements,” she wouldn’t have been able to call it a “win.”
In either of those cases, she wouldn’t have been able to share in her son’s joy.
Mom for the win? It all depends on what you focus on, and what you choose to see.
St. Paul wrote, “[W]hatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Phil. 4:8, NRSV). He also wrote: “Rejoice with those who rejoice” (Rom. 12:15,NRSV).
Sharing in the joy of others is one of the secrets of a joyful Christian life. We are encouraged to find a perspective that allows us to look see joy.
Your perspective influences the joy of others
American film producer Samuel Goldwyn, founder of MGM, has been quoted as saying, “When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy.”
This mother’s son left the table happy about a good meal but also happy in his mother’s appreciation of his joy. If she had scolded him, there would have been no joy in that house for either of them that night.
Our decision to look for joy can make ourselves and everyone around us happier. Whenever you can, share in the joy of others!
Copyright © 2024, Tom Faletti (Faith Explored, www.faithexplored.com). This material may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration, for nonprofit use, provided such reproductions are not sold and include this copyright notice or a similar acknowledgement that includes a reference to Faith Explored and www.faithexplored.com. See www.faithexplored.com for more materials like this.
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